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If you or if you know of anyone who would like to come and train with ITF England to see if they have what it takes to take their Taekwon-Do to the next level, please encourage them along to our sessions now.
ITF-England squad training sessions are open to members of the BITF, BTF, UKTA and UKTI (Blue belt and above, aged 10+)
2023 Squad Training Dates
14th May
25th June
9th July
23rd July
6th Aug
10th Sept
1st Oct
22nd Oct
12th Nov
3rd Dec
Venue: St Joseph's College, Ocotal Way, Swindon SN3 3LR
Time: 9.30am to 1.00pm
Cost: £20 per session (£15 for ITF England registered members)
Please speak to Master Harris first then contact Master Steve Millis VII ITF England Head Coach