Blue Belt and Blue Belt Red Tag (4th & 3rd Kup)

Blue signifies the Heaven, towards which the plant matures into a towering tree as training in Taekwon-Do progresses.

Red signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away.

  • Joong-Gun is named after the patriot Ahn Joong-Gun who assassinated Hiro-Bumi Ito, the first Japanese governor-general of Korea, known as the man who played a leading part in the Korea-Japan Merger. There are 32 movements in this pattern to represent Mr Ahn's age when he was executed at Lui-Shing prison (1910).

  • Toi-Gye is the pen name of the noted scholar Yi Hwang (16th century), an authority on neo-Confucianism. The 37 movements of the pattern refer to his birthplace on 37 degree latitude and the diagram represents "scholar".

Diagram of Joong-Gun Tul

(32 Movements)

Joong-Gun is named after the patriot Ahn Joong-Gun who assassinated Hiro-Bumi Ito, the first Japanese governor-general of Korea, known as the man who played a leading part in the Korea-Japan Merger. There are 32 movements in this pattern to represent Mr Ahn's age when he was executed at Lui-Shing prison (1910).

  • Start: Close Ready Stance B (Moa Sogi B)

    Move the left foot to B forming a right L-Stance toward B while executing a middle block to B with the left reverse knife-hand.

    Execute a low side front snap kick to B with the left foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 1.

    Lower the left foot to B and then move the right foot to B forming a left rear foot stance toward B while executing an upward block with a right palm.

    Move the right foot to A forming a left L-Stance toward A, at the same time executing a middle block to A with a right reverse knife-hand.

    Execute a low side front snap kick to A with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 4.

    Lower the right foot to A and then move the left foot to A forming a right rear foot stance toward A while executing an upward block with a left palm.

    Move the left foot to D forming a right L-Stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife-hand.

    Execute a right upper elbow strike while forming a left Walking Stance toward D, slipping the left foot to D.

    Move the right foot to D forming a left L-Stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife-hand.

    Execute a left upper elbow strike while forming a right Walking Stance toward D, slipping the right foot to D.

    Move the left foot to D forming a left Walking Stance toward D while executing a high vertical punch to D with a twin fist.

    Move the right foot to D forming a right Walking Stance toward D while executing an upset punch to D with a twin fist.

    Move the right foot on line CD and then turn counter clockwise to form a left Walking Stance toward C while executing a rising block with an X-fist.

    Move the left foot to E forming a right L-Stance toward E while executing a high side strike to E with the left back fist.

    Twist the left fist counter clockwise until the back fist faces downward, at the same time forming a left Walking Stance toward E, slipping the left foot to E.

    Execute a high punch to E with the right fist while maintaining a left Walking Stance toward E. Perform 15 and 16 in a fast motion.

    Bring the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to F, forming a left L-Stance toward F while executing a high side strike to F with a right back fist.

    Twist the right fist clockwise until the back fist faces downward, at the same time forming a right Walking Stance toward F, slipping the right foot to F.

    Execute a high punch to F with the left fist while maintaining a right Walking Stance toward F. Perform 19 and 20 in a fast motion.

    Bring the right foot to the left foot and then move the left foot to C forming a left Walking Stance toward C while executing a high block to C with a left double forearm.

    Execute a middle punch to C with the left fist while forming a right L-Stance toward C, pulling the left foot.

    Execute a middle side piercing kick to C with the right foot.

    Lower the right foot to C forming a right Walking Stance toward C while executing a high block to C with the right double forearm.

    Execute a middle punch to C with the right fist while forming a left L-Stance toward C, pulling the right foot.

    Execute a middle side piercing kick to C with the left foot.

    Lower the left foot to C forming a right L-Stance toward C while executing amiddle guarding block to C with the forearm.

    Execute a pressing block with the right palm while forming a left low stance toward C, slipping the left foot to C. Perform in slow motion.

    Move the right foot to C forming a left L-Stance toward C while executing a middle guarding block to C with the forearm.

    Execute a pressing block with the left palm while forming a right low stance toward C, slipping the right foot to C. Perform in a slow motion.

    Bring the left foot to the right foot forming a Close Stance toward A while executing an angle punch with the right fist. Perform in slow motion.

    Move the right foot to A forming a right Fixed Stance toward A while executing a U-shape block to A.

    Bring the right foot to the left foot and then move the left foot to B forming a left Fixed Stance toward B, at the same time executing a U-shape block to B.

    End: Bring the left foot back to a ready posture.

  • Be able to perform


    Saju Jirugi Saju Makgi Chon-Ji, Dan-Gun, Do-San, Won-Hyo & Joong Gun

    English (Korean)


    1-Step Sparring Ilbo Matsogi

    Semi-Free Sparring Ban Jayu Matsogi



    Release Jappyosul Tae


    Low Stance Nachuo Sogi

    Close Stance Moa Sogi

    Rear Foot Stance Dwitbal Sogi

    Close Ready Stance B Moa Junbi Sogi B


    Elbow Strike Palkup Taerigi

    Upper Elbow Strike Wi Palkup Taerigi

    Twin Vertical Punch Sang Sewo Jirugi

    Twin Upset punch Sang Dwijibo Jirugi

    Angle Punch Giokja Jirugi

    Vertical Stance Punch Soojik So Jirugi

    Vertical Punch Sewo Jirugi

    Upset Punch Dwijibo Jirugi


    Side Front Snap Kick Yobap Cha Busigi


    Upward block Ollyo Makgi

    Pressing Block Noollo Makgi

    U-Shape Block Digutja Makgi

    Body Parts

    Reverse Knife-Hand Sonkal Dung

    Power Test

    Knife-hand Sonkal Taerigi

    Side kick Yop Chagi

Diagram of Toi-Gye Tul

(37 Movements)

Toi-Gye is the pen name of the noted scholar Yi Hwang (16th century), an authority on neo-Confucianism. The 37 movements of the pattern refer to his birthplace on 37 degree latitude and the diagram represents "scholar".


  • Start: Close Ready Stance B (Moa Sogi B)

    Move the left foot to B forming a right L-Stance toward B while executing a middle block to B with the left inner forearm.

    Execute a low thrust to B with the right upset finger tip while forming a left Walking Stance toward B, slipping the left foot to B.

    Bring the left foot to the right foot to form a Close Stance toward D while executing a side back strike to C with the right back fist, extending the left arm to the side downward. Perform in slow motion.

    Move the right foot to A forming a left L-Stance toward A while executing a middle block to A with the right inner forearm.

    Execute a low thrust to A with the left upset finger tip while forming a right Walking Stance toward A, slipping the right foot to A.

    Bring the right foot to the left foot to form a Close Stance toward D while executing a side back strike to C with the left back fist, extending the right arm to the side downward. Perform in slow motion.

    Move the left foot to D forming a left Walking Stance toward D while executing a pressing block with an X-fist.

    Execute a high vertical punch to D with a twin fist while maintaining a left Walking Stance toward D. Perform 7 and 8 in a continuous motion.

    Execute a middle front snap kick to D with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 8.

    Lower the right foot to D forming a right Walking Stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the right fist.

    Execute a middle punch to D with the left fist while maintaining a right Walking Stance toward D.

    Bring the left foot to the right foot forming a Close Stance toward F while executing a twin side elbow thrust. Perform in slow motion.

    Move the right foot to F in a stamping motion forming a Sitting Stance toward C while executing a W-shape block to C with the right outer forearm.

    Move the left foot to F in a stamping motion turning clockwise to form a Sitting Stance toward D while executing a W-shape block to D with the left outer forearm.

    Move the left foot to E in a stamping motion turning clockwise to form a Sitting Stance toward C while executing a W-shape block to C with the left outer forearm.

    Move the right foot to E in a stamping motion turning counter clockwise to form a Sitting Stance toward D while executing a W-shape block to D with the right outer forearm.

    Move the left foot to E in a stamping motion turning clockwise to form a Sitting Stance toward C while executing a W-shape block to C with the left outer forearm.

    Move the left foot to F in a stamping motion turning clockwise to form a Sitting Stance toward D while executing a W-shape block to D with the left outer forearm.

    Bring the right foot to the left foot and then move the left foot to D forming a right L-Stance toward D while executing a low pushing block to D with the left double forearm.

    Extend both hands upward as if to grab the opponent's head while forming a left Walking Stance toward D, slipping the left foot to D.

    Execute an upward kick with the right knee while pulling both hands downward.

    Lower the right foot to the left foot and then move the left foot to C forming a right L-Stance toward C while executing a middle guarding block to C with a knife-hand.

    Execute a low side front snap kick to C with the left foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 22.

    Lower the left foot to C forming a left Walking Stance toward C while executing a high thrust to C with the left flat finger tip.

    Move the right foot to C forming a left L-Stance toward C while executing a middle guarding block to C with a knife-hand.

    Execute a low side front snap kick to C with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 25.

    Lower the right foot to C forming a right Walking Stance toward C while executing a high thrust to C with the right flat finger tip.

    Move the right foot to D forming a right L-Stance toward C while executing a side back strike to D with the right back fist and a low block to C with the left forearm.

    Jump to C forming a right X-Stance toward A while executing a pressing block with an X-fist.

    Move the right foot to C forming a right Walking Stance toward C while executing a high block to C with the right double forearm.

    Move the left foot to B forming a right L-Stance toward B while executing a low guarding block to B with a knife-hand.

    Execute a circular block to BD with the right inner forearm while forming a left Walking Stance toward B, slipping the left foot to B.

    Bring the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to A forming a left L-Stance toward A, at the same time executing a low guarding block to A with a knife-hand.

    Execute a circular block to AD with the left inner forearm while forming a right Walking Stance toward A, slipping the right foot to A.

    Execute a circular block to CE with the right inner forearm while forming a left Walking Stance toward CE.

    Execute a circular block to AD with the left inner forearm while forming a right Walking Stance toward A.

    Move the right foot on line AB to form a Sitting Stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the right fist.

    End: Bring the right foot back to a ready posture.

  • Be able to perform


    Saju Jirugi, Saju Makgi, Chon-Ji, Dan-Gun, Do-San, Won-Hyo, Yul-Gok, Joong Gun & Toi Gye

    English (Korean)


    English Korean

    Semi-Free Sparring Ban Jayu Matsogi

    Free Sparring Jayu Matsogi


    Body Parts

    Fore Fist Ap Joomuk

    Knee Moorup

    Shin Jong Kwaeng-i


    Twin Side Elbow Thrust Sang Yop Palkup Tulgi

    Elbow Thrust Palkup Tulgi


    Pushing Block Miro Makgi

    W-Shape Block San Makgi


    Upward Kick Ollyo Chagi

    Power Test


    Right & Left Side kick Orun & Wen Yop Chagi

    Fore fist Ap Joomuk